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About Worship

Sunday Morning Worship

Sunday Morning Worship Services at 9:30 a.m.

We gather weekly to proclaim the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins. Join us to hear this good and freeing news!  Stick around afterwards for coffee and a snack.

1st and 3rd Sundays ~ Distribution of the Lord's Supper

2nd Sundays ~ Praise Band Worship

5th Sundays ~ Hymn Sing

ALL WORSHIP SERVICES AVAILABLE VIA LIVESTREAM  - found under "Worship Recordings/Bulletins" 


Wednesday Evening Summer Worship Services at 7:00 p.m.

Check our calendar for dates!

Praise Band

The Praise Band leads us in song the second Sunday of each month.

LWLC Choir

Practices are held before worship on the Sundays they sing. If interested in joining the choir see Carolyn Moeller or Nancy Anderson.

Children's Sermon

Children are invited to the front of our worship space to receive a special message based on the preaching text and crafted for young ears.

After the children's sermon, the pastor distributes a bulletin for children to further engage the message of the day.